Title: Edison's Gold
Author: Geoff Watson
Publication Date: October 2010
ISBN 13: 978-1606840948
Thomas Edison was a great inventor and his work helped to shape the United States as we know it. He had many influential friends including Henry Ford, Teddy Roosevelt, and his estranged colleague, Nikola Tesla. In this book, we meet his great-great grandson Tom. Tom's family is hit with hard times. Bills are piling up and they can't afford to stay in New York any longer. Desperate to support his family, Tom's dad takes a job in Wichita, Kansas. Nothing could be worse according to Tom. Tom and his two best friends are the perfect trio. He's the daredevil, his friend Colby is the brains, and Noodle, his other best-friend, is the smooth talker. Together they are unstoppable.
When Tom discovers an old piece of film jammed inside his double-great-grandpa's old camera, he and his friends uncover a century's old mystery. A secret society called the Sub Rosa was created by Thomas Edison and his friends to conceal a powerful discovery and it seems like some people will stop at nothing to keep Tom and his friends from learning the secrets. A very exciting, fast-paced work, readers are left wanting another volume, but are also left with some questions. Was there really a secret formula? Did the Sub Rosa ever truly exist? Perfect choice for fans of Brown's DaVinci Code or the movie that was based on that book.
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