Sunday, June 5, 2011

Who am I Without Him?

Title: Who am I Without Him? A Collection of Stories About Girls and the Boys in Their Lives
Author: Sharon G. Flake

A moving work that reveals a wide continuum of love and desire.  Some of the stories ofter distorted perception of love where girls suffer infidelities, degradation, and even murder because of their sex.  Others paint a much more tender poignant look.  Written in a superb American dialect, this book is a good choice for older tweens or teens, especially those interested in gender studies or realistic fiction.

Piper Reed Navy Brat

Title: Piper Reed Navy Brat
Author: Kimberly Willis Holt

Piper Reed is an irrepressible character with spunk, ambition, and verve!  The middle child of a navy man and his wife, Piper exudes determination and adaptability.  The kind of kid who makes lemonade when life hands her lemons, her first installment is a must-read for fans of strong female characters with spunk!